After the roadmap

  • Jlat
    # 6 years, 8 months ago

    Once the roadmap has been completed and a self consistent distributed network achieved, what input will be needed from the developers? Will it be fully autonomous in terms of maintenance?

  • Hamed
    # 6 years, 8 months ago

    Hello Jlat,

    I’m not involved with the team, but I believe the developers will always be busy to maintain the neurochain blockchain, and improve it. Quoted from the white paper: “Bots are a conglomerate of algorithms and tools for realizing and validating transactions or communications to build value and smart applications”. The developers have the job to make sure the bots are always able to do their job in the fastest and most efficent way. This roadmap is not the end station of neurochain, but I would rather see it as ‘the beginning of the neurochain revolution’.

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